Design and Sacred Geometry in Vasati
scientific basis of Vasati
Self-paced, facilitated, online or corrsepondence
6999$ (including AA, BA and MA levels)
Facilitated by:
Marcus Schmieke
This course is
designed to refine the students ability to plan a
building according to the principles of Vasati and
Vasati sacred geometry. Additionally it will show how
Vasati can be derived from modern science. This
Doctorate course combines the ancient sacred
geometry of the south Indian Sthapatis with the most
recent discoveries of modern physics.
Click here to read a
more detailed description of the scientific Basis of
To summarize, this course
presents the original scientific, mathematical and
geometrical foundations of Vasati, and it
substantiates that this knowledge, although not
being handed down explicitly, was an essential
aspect of Vedic science.
following topics will be addressed:
The metaphysical basis
of the Vedic cosmogony corresponds to the principles
of modern science.
The basics of Global
Scaling, the science of gravitational wave
Bhumandala model of
the Vedic universe is structured in a logarithmic
hyperbolic fractal way; thus it follows the basic
structures of Global Scaling.
Vasatipurusha Mandala
is an abstraction of the
Bhumandala model.
There are two kinds of
Vasatipurusha Mandala,
the metaphysical and the physical.
The structure of the physical
Vasatipurusha Mandala
corresponds to that of the matter compression wave
of Global Scaling.
The structure of the
metaphysical Vasatipurusha
Mandala corresponds to that of the vacuum
compression wave of Global Scaling.
the basis of the physical
Vasatipurusha Mandala, the South-Indian
Sthapatis were
planning in accordance with the cosmic gravitation
The measure system of
Vasati agrees with the resonances of the cosmic
gravitation wave.
The modular planning
system is in resonance with the cosmic gravitation
wave, geometrically and numerically.
The resonances of the cosmic
gravitation wave determine the structure of towns
and landscapes.This
knowledge can be used to evaluate the quality of a
certain site.
Parallel to his studies the student will
choose a specialized topic related to Vasati with his
tutor and write a dissertation on it. This doctorate
dissertation shall contribute to the current
discovery of the ancient science of Vasati by the
academic western world. It should be of a
publishable quality.
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