Space as Living Being (by Marcus Schmieke)

The energy field that emerges from a plot or in a house is called vasati in Sanskrit and represents the conscious space which according to the Vedic philosophy is regarded as a demigod.

This living being is called Vasatipurusha and has his head in the northeast and his feet in the southwest. Thus the southwest — northeast diagonal is of utmost importance in Vasati. His most prominent energy centres or chakras are located on this diagonal and form the energetic focus of the energy field that is expanding in the whole house.

In one of my seminars, I showed this mandala to a clairvoyant healer and asked him to describe the energy field that he could perceive. Although he did not know the Vasatimandala, he confirmed the energies in accordance with the findings of Vasati, which have been passed down for thousands of years. This demonstrates that the allocation of mandalas is more than that of replaceable symbols.

In the centre of the mandala, which corresponds to the navel of the Vasatipurusha, he identified a substantial whirl through which cosmic energy flows into the square. From there it flows towards the northeast, to the head of the Vasatipurusha, and then rises again.

On the opposite side, the energies that flow towards the southwest push down. They connect to the earth and form the foundation which supplies the stability and connectedness of matter.

Seen as a whole, the mandala forms an energy whirl whose main polarity is located on the northeast — southwest axis and which contains a second polarity on the southeast—northwest diagonal.

The southeast represents the fire element and dynamic energy, while the northwest embodies the principle of movement and exchange; the air element is assigned to this direction. The two elements fire and air are mutually dependent on each other, as fire does not burn without air and air does not move without the energy of the fire.




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