- The Most Ancient Way of Living in Harmony with Nature
(by Marcus Schmieke)
you enter edifices of the old like Andrea Palladio´s famous
Florentine villas, you feel a profound well-being unknown with
modern rooms in our contemporary Western buildings. This same
feeling of energy and harmony is present with almost any masterpiece
of the old architectural traditions, be they in Europe, in India,
South America or still another part of the world. Modern Western
buildings usually cannot convey this special feeling anymore.
The masters of the old knew how to build
according to the universally valid laws of nature
and how to erect their buildings in unison with these laws. These
same laws are fundamental to the Chinese Feng Shui, to European
geomancy and to the architectural style of the old Mesoamerican
people called the Maya, to name a few.
The Vasati scriptures date
from a time about 5,000 years ago and carry the earliest known
descriptions of these universal laws of nature. Scarcely any other
architectural tradition lasted 5,000 years while staying unaltered
and still being applied today.
Buildings withstanding natural disasters,
destructions and dilapidation are for the most part those which have
been built exactly after the Vasati principles. Just have a glance on
Obviously, the renown Roman architect
Vitruvius knew the Indian Vasati scriptures, for even the chapters in
his legendary opus De re architectura are in the same
sequence as they are in the Manasara, a classic Vasati
scripture. Vitruvius lived 2,000 years ago. His works inspired
Andrea Palladio who incorporated the Vasati principles in his
world-famous 16th century Renaissance edifices.
The knowledge behind his work, the origin of
this art, is revealed only today. What sources did those precursors
of occidental architecture take their knowledge from? You will see
it here. The mystery of why we feel so well in Palladio´s villas is
finally unveiled.