Can Vasati Defetcts Cause
diseases (by Marcus Schmieke)
In long years of investigation, the Indian
scientist A.R. Hari has examined the regularities of the
bio-energetic field of a plot and of a building and has shown that
it interacts with the bio-energetic field of the body. Therefore, it
is legitimate to look for the connection between Vasati defects and
the manifestation of specific diseases.
The causes of many diseases are cannot be
clearly scientifically described. Cancer is such a disease, the
causes of which are very much connected with the mental or
psychological state of the patient. Therefore it does not come as a
surprise that the bio-energy of the living area called vasati can
influence the manifestation or healing process of cancer.
Hari found out that especially the state of
the northeast of the plot and house is closely connected to the
manifestation of cancer. The northeast represents the mind and the
psychological constitutions of the vasati bio-field. If there is a
defect in the northeast, the mental monitoring of the bio-field is
interrupted so that the energies of the field may lose control and
act in such a chaotic way. In the northeast there is the head of the
Vasatipurusha and therefore all control and monitoring of the whole
field is done from there.
Cancer is a disease in which the
multiplication of cells gets out of control, as the intelligent
communication between the cells has been interrupted. Similarly, a
Vasati defect in the northeast may cause such chaos in the
bio-energetic field of the living area that it may be transferred to
the inhabitants if they have such a disposition.
The resonance through which the disease is
able to manifest itself in the organism of an inhabitant is caused
by the presence of yet another Vasati defect in another sector of
the living area. Which organ will be affected by the uncontrolled
growth of the cells depends on which sector the second serious
defect affects.
For cancer to manifest itself in a certain
organ there must be at least two serious Vasati defects in two
sectors also affecting the northeast. It is only then that the
influences exerted on the cells my prompt them to lose their
The following list is based on the examination
of numerous cases of cancer done by A.R. Hari and it assigns certain
Vasati defects to a certain kind of cancer which may manifest due to
the defect.
Correspondences between Vasati defects and
northeast is rounded off, the northwest is closed |
Cancer in
the area of the breast; the lungs of other organs in this
region may be affected |
northeast of the house forms an acute angle, in the west of
the plot there is a hollow |
Development of cancer in the area of the head and throat |
northeast, the east, and the northwest are higher; the
southwest, the south and the west are lower: |
tumor |
Defect in
the northeast, defect in the southeast: |
cancer |
Defect in
the northeast, defect in the south or west |
Cancer of
the uterus |
Defect in
the northeast, defect in the west of the southwest |
cancer |
Defect in
the northeast, defects in several sectors around it |
Leukemia |
Defect in
the northeast, defect in the west |
cancer |
Here Hari underlines that the corresponding
defects must be very grave to lead to the manifestation of a
disease. If you find one of these constellations in your house, you
should try to correct it yourself.
It is advisable to consult an experienced
Vasati consultant who should find out which of the defects are
indeed so serious that they might threaten the health of the
inhabitants. If the defects are not so grave, they will not
influence a healthy person. However, if they are very serious, an
expert Vasati consultant will be able to tell you what means you
should apply to eliminate the problem.