Florida Vedic College is committed to a holistic understanding of man as taught in the Vedic Scriptures of Ancient India. Man has a physical body, a mind and emotions and a spiritual nature. Only when he is capable of developing as a total person both physically and spiritually can one be capable of enjoying true health and a balanced life. The Ayurveda is the health science taught in the Vedic literatures, it was developed by the same sages that give us the tremendous philosophical and spiritual classics as found in the Upanishads and Puranas of the Vedic age. These courses recognize the spiritual heritage in which the Ayurveda has taken birth, and seeks to disseminate its knowledge in the context of that ancient tradition.

At present, most of us no longer know how to maintain our own health and are either actively or passively participating in the destruction of the Earth. We have been taught to maintain the structure of a society that values the acquisition of wealth above all else. This path continues to separate us from each other and from everything within nature. Many of us have decided to reject this in part, and are envisioning a world view that acknowledges human needs and spirituality. Ayurveda is a health system inseparable from its spiritual foundation. Its world view recognizes the Supremacy of Godhead and his energies. It places responsibility for man to act on his higher spiritual nature and overcome the disease born of lust, greed and ignorance.

The vast and complete nature of Ayurveda requires systematic training based on it's traditional theories as well as clinical experience. Keeping this in mind, the need for a specific academic and clinical training program for Western countries became obvious. These courses, are based on the syllabus recommended by the "International Council for Ayurveda & Allied Medical Sciences" (ICAAMS) Bangalore. The material has been adjusted to the psycho-social environment in Europe and America and the kind of patients Ayurvedic practitioners receive here. The Florida Vedic College, is the only traditional Vedic College in America and has been requested to offer this traditional "Vedic Science" based on the Vedic Scriptures and Literature's of India.

The Ayurveda is not a separated science apart from the Vedic Scriptures, it, on the other hand, is integrated within and permeated throughout the literature's as the health system for this body of knowledge.

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