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All applicants with prior college credit are required to submit official copies of their high school and college records. All previous college credit will be reviewed individually. Courses taken at another institution may substitute for a required FVC course if the two courses are substantially similar, even though the course titles may differ.
A student who transfer from another college may receive up to 30 of the required credit hours for an associate’s degree, or up to 75 credits for a bachelor’s degree, provided that similar required or elective course are offered at Florida Vedic College and the student has received a grade of C- or better in the course to be transferred.
The decision of the Admissions Office of FVC regarding credit awarded will be based on criteria provided by FVC’s administration.
Transfer of credits from this institution to other institutions is at the discretion of the receiving institution.

Credit for Life Experience

Credit may be granted for course work from other approved institutions or for professional training and experience when equivalency and relevancy to the curriculum at Florida Vedic College is apparent. An advanced standing evaluation fee of $75 will be charged if credit is granted. The awarding of this credit requires submission of an EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING PORTFOLIO which demonstrates the achievement of curriculum-related knowledge. Guidelines for preparation of the portfolio are available upon request. Portfolios should be presented within three months of acceptance into a degree program.
The second option is to take College Level Examinations through the College Board called CLEP tests. These course credits are accepted nationally and internationally because they are credit granting recommended by the American Council on Education. All parts of the country have centers that administer these exams.





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