August, 2005
Two Bachelor in Vasati Degrees awarded to students in Austria and Croatia

After the first term of 2005 the Vasati Department of the Florida Vedic College awarded two Bachelor Degrees in Vasati to students from Austria and Croatia:

Dinko Bilic (Croatia)

Robert Porod (Austria)

Both students continue their studies at FVC for Masters and Docorate Degree. Dinko Bilic conducted a survey on the Vasati qualities of more than 100 houses which got completely destroyed during the war between Croatia and Serbia. The results of this survey confirm the principles of Vasati. 90% of the destroyed houses have the main entrance in the southeast or southwest.

July, 2005
           New Ayurveda Demo Course Online now

The e-learning platform of the Florida Vedic College expanded recently. Its now covering four online courses in Vasati (AA, BA, MA and Doctorate), three courses in Jyotish (AA, BA and MA), one course in Sanskrit (AA) and two courses in Ayurveda (AA and BA). For the Vasati and Ayurveda Online Degree Programs two demo courses are available. Until September the MA course of the Ayurveda Online Program will also be online.

Enter the e-learning platform now!


July, 2005
           "Sri Pancaratna" Award for web excellence for Florida Vedic College

Florida Vedic College has recently been awarded the PGA's Sri Pancaratna Award.The PGA Web Awards are based on much more than just web design. The PGA awards consider meta tags, alt tags, title tags, bot-friendly graphic names, clean coding, link popularity, etc.   The Planetary Gemologists Association or PGA Web Awards are in recognition of excellence in web design & functionality. The PGA's Awards are meant for web sites whose content must be relevant to Gemstones, Jewelry, Jyotish, Planetary Gemology, Ayurveda, or Talisman Designing, etc., and is awarded in recognition of Web Excellence; factors considered are content, grammar, navigation, flawlessness of code, loading speed, headers, bot-friendly meta tags, page-unique key words, alt-tags, title-tags, and ease of shopping (CC functional shopping cart), as well as site beauty, first impression, and link popularity.PGA Awards are not presented by voting nor by paying; rather, they must be earned by Web Excellence deserving of recognition in the fields of Gemology or Astrology.


September, 2004
          Scientific Basis of Vasati discovered

In August 2004 Marcus Schmieke, the Dean of the FVC Vasati Department, succeeded in deriving the most important basic geometrical principles of Vedic Architecture (Vasati) from one simple scientific formula, which has been discovered 1982 in St. Petersburg by a team of German and Russian scientists. This mathematical theory, called Global Scaling, is completely coherent with the principles of Vedic Metaphysics and can factually be derived from them. On the basis of this Schmieke developed a more refined way of calculating the ideal measurements and proportions for building a house. He could also prove the numerical features of Vedic cosmology to be in line with modern physics.

Read more about it!


September, 2004
          Florida Vedic College starts Online e-learing Platform


The new Vasati Courses will be offered by Florida Vedic College alternatively as complete e-learning online courses on a professional e-learning platform.  Soon a Sanskrit and Vedic Astrology Degree Program will be added to the e-learning platform which will be expanded more and more in close future. Already a demo course is available on our e-learning server.  Enter the Demo Course now!


April, 2004
          Florida Vedic College offers new Vasati Degree Program

In cooperation with the Vedic Academy (Germany) and the European Academy of Vedic Science Florida Vedic College is now offering a complete Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degree Program in Vasati, the ancient vedic art of architecture. It is presently  worldwide the only existing academic Doctorate Degree Program in Vasati. The complete Vasati degree program consists of four one year courses. The Bachelor and Master Degree courses qualify the student as a Vasati Consultant. The Doctorate Degree Course qualifies the student as a Vasati Planer and Designer.

Vasati-Vasati Meru Chakra

March, 2001
              Florida Vedic College is proud to announce that it is partnering with

Pisa, Italy

and their Academic Department of Indo-Vedic Traditional Sciences to offer Doctorate degrees in Hindu-Vedic Philosophy and Literature - Hindu-Vedic History, Archeology and History of Art - Hindu-Vedic Psychology through Florida Vedic College. This allows European students to study at the CSB and earn their degree's through FVC. Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta is located Pisa, Italy. Any European Students interested in studying at the CSB and earning a degree through FVC can contact their Director ; Dr. Marco Ferrini,

Via Livornese Est, 172 - 56030 - Perignano di Lari, PISA- ITALY
tel. +39+587+618448; fax: +39+587+615435





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